Thisworkfocusedonqualityassuranceascorrelatesofstudents’academicperformance in public secondary schools in Enugu education zone. The purpose wastofindouttherelationshipbetweenqualityassuranceandstudents’academicperformance.Correlationalsurveydesignwasadoptedtoguidethestudy.Fourresearchquestionsandtwonullhypotheseswhichwastestat0.05levelofsignificance guided the study. The population of the studywhich comprised 30principals and 1772 teachers was 1802. The sample of the study was 180 using simplerandomtechniques.Structuredquestionnairewasusedtocollectdata.Theinstrument was validated with three experts, two in educational administration andplanningandoneinmeasurementandevaluationinthefacultyofeducation,University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Twenty copies of questionnaire were trial tested in Udieducation zone with the results of 0.85, 0.65, 0.76, 0.83 for Cluster A-D respectivelyand the overall result was 0.90. Direct delivery and retrieval method was used fordata collection. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer research questionswhile the hypotheses were tested using t-test at 0.05 level of significance. FindingsshowsthatSchoolleadershiptoagreatextenthasarelationshiptostudents’academicperformances.Furtheranalysisshowedthatthereisnosignificantdifference between the mean rating of principals’ and teachers on the relationshipbetweenschoolleadershipandstudentsacademicperformance.Availabilityofteachers in school to a great extent influences the academic performance of students.Teachers’professionaldevelopmenttohighextentinfluencestudents’academicperformance.Also facilities should be made available in the school to enable thestudents’performintheirexamination.Basedonthefindingsofthestudy,thefollowing recommendations were made: Government should organize workshops andseminars for school administrators to upgrade their administrative techniques, Morefunds should be allocated to schools to enable them provide the needed facilities toenable the students perform better,Government should organize workshops andseminars forteacherstoenable themdevelopedprofessionallyand among others
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